Back in the mid-1960's Garren Gewl was getting older and more radical in his attempts to destroy Mr. Power. He tasked his robotics division with creating something big enough and strong enough to defeat his old rival. He lured Mr. Power in with a sabotaged tanker ship. When Mr. Power went to pull it out of the harbor the Giant Robot Squid attacked! It was an epic battle but ultimately short-sighted. Mr. Power sunk the cybernetic behemoth then went after its master. But the Giant Robot Squid was not mortally damaged, only its circuits were scrambled. It took on a form of curious aggression paired with a fierce survival instinct. To this day, every once and a while the Giant Robot Squid bubbles to surface in a raging assault on a bridge, ship, or something else that is in reach of its grasping metal tentacles. It is ultimately driven back each time, almost always through superheroic intervention, and escapes to the deep where it lies in wait. Soon it will surface again and unleash its robot fury on Union City!