General Hippo is the warlord dictator of Kiboko. He leads a violent militia that plunders the country of its wealth and commits genocide against the minority Gombese citizens. He was an almost inhumanly strong soldier and a ferocious fighter when he became the leader of the Righteous Revolutionary Militia (RRM). To prove that he was worthy of leadership he took on a hippopotamus one-on-one and killed it with his bare hands. He took on the name General Hippo and renamed his brutal brigade the Oxpeckers. They overthrew the democratic government and so began his ruthless regime. He used the government treasury to buy himself genetic treatments from Dr. Darwin. Dr. Darwin's serum transformed him into his pachyderm namesake, turning him monstrously strong with nearly impenetrably thick hide. General Hippo is constantly searching for more power as well as defending his hold over his home country. Both of these things brought him into repeated conflicts with Chessmaster, a refugee who fled Kiboko when General Hippo's revolution came.